
Develop a gamified Loyalty Program that gives Payphone users social rewards (status system through consumption identity) or benefits (physical rewards such as giftcard or digital rewards) for intensive use of the application.


The challenge of this project is to develop the transactionality of the PayPhone application, generating a digital community gamification model based on recurrence for users in Ecuador.

My Role

UX designer and project facilitator, I was in charge of leading the client workshop as well as doing all the research on objectives, data collection, insights, user understanding and gamification benchmarks.

For this project specific activities were defined to achieve the client's objective, the first step was to build a benchmark focused on payment and transaction methods as well as on the gamification of the main competitors and strategic brands.

Design Sprint Sessions (Agile Product Launch)

Once the research of competitors, understanding of users and brands was done, we built a journey of internal activities, which I was in charge of interviewing key stakeholders to get concrete ideas of how they visualize the app in the future; I was also in charge of guiding and facilitating the design sprint.

I divided the Design Sprint into 3 collaborative sessions to achieve the objective

Session 1: Objectives, motivations, risks, value and experience offer, prototype and motivational drivers.
Session 2: How Might We, long term goals and obstacles.
Session 3: Crazy 8's inspiration, journey, story mechanics and dynamics and information architecture.

Canvas Modeling (Journey)

We planned with the design team to build the journey of the experience and the possible paths that the user could face.

Prototyping and Testing

This step was the main step of the whole research, as we started to explore concepts for the main screens such as "cashing money, home of the app. Once the prototype was ready, we planned testing sessions with end customers to find the first insights of the experience and keep iterating on the screens.

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Earning profits has never been easier thanks to PayPhone, an app with more than 100 daily offers for Ecuador users.

  1. Users get rewards for frequent use of the app
  2. We create levels for users where they will get better rewards
  3. We increase up to 100% the profits of different businesses that use PayPhone.

Project for Soho

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